Ms. Arpan Deepa Beck

Ms. Mercy Nath

We, at St. Karen's Montessori School, strongly believe that 'A Happy Mind is a Learning Mind. 'It brings happiness and positivity in the young minds of our Karenites. Every morning our School opens its gate to non-stop chatter, giggles and happy feet of the children eagerly rushing into the school looking forward to a day full of fun and action. Building 'A Happy School' has been one of our key concerns with an aim to create a friendly, safe and engaging learning environment where our team of hardworking and dedicated teachers give their students the physical, psychological and emotional support they need to thrive. We lay a strong emphasis on discipline, attendance, punctuality and smartness of our Karenites which help them to become independent and confident individuals. We look forward to the cooperation of our parents as they partner with us by sending their children to school regularly, punctually and dressed in neat and clean uniforms. We believe that together we have an immense responsibility in contributing to shaping the personality of the young minds in our school.

We are very fortunate to have a benevolent School Management, a dedicated and wonderful team of teachers, staff and parents who have been continuously supporting us in all our endeavours. We would like to take this opportunity to express our sincere gratitude to each one of them for their consistent and unwavering support. This contribution is what makes our children excel, allowing them to bloom to their brilliance of colours and spread their fragrance in all directions.