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  • Event Date: 15-May-2024
  • Updated On: 22-May-2024
  • Total Photo(s): 46
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Description: SELF SAFETY SELF PROTECTION WEEK 2024 - 2025 “Prepare and prevent, don’t repair and repent.” To prepare the young Karenites from any unwanted and uncomfortable situation in life "SELF SAFETY AND SELF PROTECTION" an awareness session was conducted by the School Guidance Counsellors Ms. Sabita Shah and Ms. Shalini Das from May 13th 2024 to May 15th 2024 for all the students from Std. 1 to 5 . The students learnt about the different kinds of touches (Safe Touch and Unsafe Touch) and to be vocal when they are uncomfortable with anyone around. To react to the situation and say ‘ NO, then ‘GO' to a safe place and ‘TELL’ someone whom they trust. Students were also explained about "MY SAFE CIRCLE" and the "HELPLINE NUMBER- 1098". They actively participated in the session and understood to be conscious and safe.