Photo Gallery

  • Event Date: 26-Jun-2024
  • Updated On: 26-Jun-2024
  • Total Photo(s): 34
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Description: “Drawing has a unique power to enable individuals to discover their hidden talents and find a newer version of themselves”. The Art & Craft Club of our school organised Drawing competition in which the students of Std: 1&2 had to make Book Marks and the students of Std 3, 4 &5 were asked to draw the cover page of their favourite story book on the 26th of June 2024. The theme of the competition was “The Magic Kingdom Of Books”. This event aimed to unleash the creativity of the students and guide them in transforming their imagination into successful dimensions. Our school understands the importance of nurturing the artistic spirit within each child and believes in providing them with the right tools and opportunities to flourish. All the participants showcased their skills and performed magnificently within their respective categories. The students of Std 1&2 made beautiful Book Marks while the students of Std.3,4,5 drew the Book Covers of their favourite story books. Each stroke of the brush, every colour combination and the meticulous attention to detail revealed the immense talent and artistic flair possessed by our young Karenites. The winners were ceremoniously awarded with the Certificates.